
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Week Three: It's Gonna Be Hot

 Well, it IS hot, but no relief in the future either.  Given the most common problem with this surgery is dehydration I really picked the worst time to have it done.




EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE AND THERE ARE RANDOM BURSTS OF LIGHTNING HOT. am I?  Okay, I guess.  No pain really.  Was some serious itching for a few days that gave me chickenpox flashbacks.  Still yo-yoing between all clogged up and there she blows!  TMI?  Very TMI.

9 hours sleep and being in bed by 6PM is pretty much an everyday thing at the moment.  Just not a lot of energy.  Not a lot of patience either.  Very, very irritable and...well, I can't deal.  I mentioned playing CONTROL in the last post and the second boss wrecked me twice and instead of buckling down and conquering I just clicked off the PS4.  Reloading for a few minutes and running back?  Too much work!

On the food front I've graduated up to pureed food.  Or at least attempting pureed food, since I only can add one new food a day.  But I get stuff like Hummus and refried beans and soft scrambled egg and lentil soup now.  A whole 1/3 of a cup of it each meal.

Am dropping the pounds and my esophagitis has been chill and my hernia is fixed, so no complaining's rough on my taste-buddies.  I think I miss spices the most.  I don't get cayenne or curry back for months, that's just not fun!  My poor, lonely sriracha bottle! 

Anyway, day by day I improve.  Keep staying safe everyone, country is still a mess, so don't join in the orgy.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Watching, Playing, Reading: The Return Edition


PERRY MASON:  I think if people had just viewed this show as "Jim Smith" totally unrelated to the character they know, it would have gone down a lot better.  But for whatever reason, the Hollywood geniuses decided they needed to take yet another hero of yesteryear and totally beat the shit out of him, poor Luke Skywalker wasn't enough.  Green alien titty milk still haunts me all these years later and I've never rewatched Last Jedi...

It's a good show with a really stellar cast.  Big Matthew Rhys fan and I loved to see Tatiana Maslany back on my screen again in a post Orphan Black (aside:  if you haven't checked it out, check that out over Perry Mason, its pilot is probably only surpassed by LOST and WESTWORLD) show.  Once Perry know, a lawyer around episode six it even got really good.  Looking forward to season two a whole bunch, since...ya know...he'll be a lawyer at the start that time.

But starting with Perry Mason blackmailing someone, a drinking problem, a deadbeat, AND a shitty father...kinda not fun for the audience.

HARLEY QUINN:  So there's the whole "Joker is abusive and Harley needs to strike out on her own and kick men in the balls" aspect that's pretty played out--or maybe I'm just still recovering from how bad BIRDS OF PREY was--but I dig this for all the obvious reasons like...curse words and smart, witty foul mouthed jokes.  Also King Shark has total T-Bone vibes...if T-Bone occasionally went mad with rage and started biting heads off.  Halfway through season 1, looking forward to the rest.

UMBRELLA ACADEMY:  Blah.  They just repeated season 1 in the 1960s.

FOOTSOCCERBALL:  5 teams with a realistic chance to win the Champions League and a possible Inter-ManU Europa League final where Lukaku can throw Harry Maguire around like a little boy?  Yes please!



FOOTBALL MANAGER 2020:  I'm not addicted, you're addicted.

CRUSADER KINGS 2:  So I haven't really done a run of this for a couple years and the last expansion was HUGE.  Clicked on my favorite 900ish start date and never realized that the Kingdom of Arles has this guy king, so...I could not help myself.  Two hundred years and a lot of Heinrich Welf's later I've shattered the Byzantium Empire and refounded the Bloodline of Alexander the Great, tons of fun!

CONTROL:  one of the games I just didn't get around to with all my health troubles.  Great gameplay, interesting mystery, tons of style, and it's only about 20 hours long, which is perfect (granted I'm looking forward to spending 200 hours on Cyberpunk at the end of the year, but...this is nice too!) for where I'm at now, especially since focusing on something like that for longer than an hour can still be a hassle for my surgery recovering ass.


COLD DAYS BY JIMMY BOY BUTCHER:  It's been like...*checks watch* 6 years since the last Dresden novel and I both needed a refresh but also don't feel like going through all bajillion of them, so Cold Days looked like the smart restart point.  Seems like the new book is "half a story" so I have the time.  Granted if there's enough story for there to be fun theories to go over in the intervening months that can be fun too, but I'll be caught up soon enough.  Ya'll are going to be losing your minds at the FM7 halfway point BTW...just FYI...

THE PLANTAGENETS BY DAN JONES:  The book that made me decided to give Crusader Kings another go!  Nice overview of the time period, but...I like a more personal history book and this isn't it.  Granted without a large number of sources that kind of inner look is very difficult and we're talking about a thousand years ago, not like people were writing every little thought or had blogs back then, did they?

Now...what have you all been up to with your media consumption?

Friday, August 7, 2020

One Week In

Today I get to upgrade to a full liquid diet.  Means the end of the Broth Purgatory and goodies like tomato soup, protein shakes, and apple sauce can be consumed and boy did I never think I'd miss that stuff, but here we are.  My energy levels are still really low, obviously.  I'm basically in bed by 6PM and sleeping at least 10 hours.  Plus there are points during the day where the most I can do is sit at the TV and rest.  Probably have about 4 hours of laptop/gaming time in me a day.  Pain is mostly gone, but there is some slight lingering soreness and all my incisions are itching now.  EOE hasn't reared its head, so here's hoping they did what they were supposed to and the new plumbing keeps it at bay.

Still no writing, or close to it, but everything is looking very promising for SOON.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Still Kicking

So far, so good.  Shockingly good.  I was the first person discharged in my little group to go through.  I have very little pain, which I'm able to handle with liquid acetaminophen and gas, lots of gas, but glory be to Mylanta and Gas-X.  Got five little incision points on my stomach that are draining correctly and they are plenty sore, but...again, just shocking good so far.

Compared to the EOE flare I went through earlier this year, this is nothing.  If during the EOE flare someone would have walked up to me with a baby seal and told me bashing its head in would make the pain go away, I'd have done it and told them to bring me another just in case.  This...hasn't even been 48 hours since surgery and I'm sitting at my bedside typing to you lot.

Main goals for the next week are to keep fluids in, not to push myself too hard, to sleep well, and to have heaps of burps and a gaggle of farts.

Diluted apple juice...yummy!

Oh, I get to take a shower in 12 hours, yay!