
Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm going to Review books

I've tried any number of times to be a good enough person to review the books I read. Since I read about 100 a year, this is a pretty sizable task, and since I hate sizable tasks that don't have to do with writing my own books, I've decided the time has come to simplify the scope of what I plan on doing. No long reviews will be henceforth. No flowery descriptions to try to get you to buy something. SIMPLE. That's the word. simple scale:


Wait for Paperback

Borrow it from a Rich Friend

Stay Far Far Away

I might also add a single sentence as comment...ooooooooh.

First up = The Alcatraz Series by Brandon Sanderson. First book available HERE.

Ranking = Borrow it from a Rich Friend

Comment: More for tweens than teens.

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