
Thursday, February 20, 2014

FM4 Done




If you remember from last time we still have a Second Draft, a Conversion Draft, Beta Reading, and the Final Draft to go in the next six to eight weeks but...


As always with Indie publishing the time frame is in estimates and not a sure release date months after everything is finished and being printed but...this all said:  looks like we're aiming at April as the likeliest release month, MAYBE sneaking into the very, very end of March, but only if things go super well.

There's a couple small scenes I'd like to add to the book as far as rewrites goes but I should know more after my first full read through of the book.  Not expecting anything huge, just a bunch of small tweaks.

Probably have a sample chapter for you guys in a couple-three-ish weeks too, so there's that!

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