
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sky-Island 1827-E Release Date = June 26th

So yeah, all the heat wave going through Fresno has made writing original stuff really uncomfortable, so instead I jumped the gun and focused in on finishing Sky-Island.  Did some rewrites, gave it some edits, and now it's in the hands of my beta readers.

As long as nothing crazy happens (like Alien Invasion) it should be coming out on June 26th, little under two weeks from now.

Now that it's finished I can completely focus in on FM5 and Gush through the rest of year.  Hopefully one of those will sneak into December but we'll just have to see if King Henry decides to get difficult or not this time around.


  1. Time to watch the FM5 percentage climb.

  2. FM5! Hurry up or my duct tape and I will have to visit Fresno. And that won't make anyone happy.

  3. Make sure you get a calzone at DiCicco's while you're here. And visit Lake Van Ness if you want to see the Vampire Embassy.
