
Thursday, May 21, 2015

FM5 is OUT!!! Happy Release Day!


Still May 21st in King Henry's hometown of Fresno, but already May 22nd in most of the world, that's good enough for me and good enough for Amazon, who have apparently really sped up their publishing system.  What was once a 12 to 24 hour wait is now down to 3.  How about that?


The Mancy Martial Artist by Richard Raley on Amazon Kindle
The Mancy Martial Artist by Richard Raley on Amazon Kindle UK
The Mancy Martial Artist by Richard Raley on Smashwords

As always for my Nook and iPad readers, I distribute through Smashwords for Apple and B&N, so it takes up to two weeks to propagate into those systems and I will have the links for you when they show up.  Also I remind you that there's no DRM on my novels, so buying it through Smashwords or Amazon and then changing the file into whatever file type you want is perfectly fine with me as long as it's for your own personal use.

Other than that, everyone please enjoy!  It's a 600 page book, so take breaks, eat food, use the restroom, nod at your significant other or your parents when they ask you questions.  Also, don't damage your social standing or flunk out of school or lose your job while you're trying to read it as fast as you can.

Something important happens in the first chapter *gasp* better run and get at it!  When you finish, please think about leaving an honest review.


  1. Got it last night!

    Thanks for not letting me get much sleep! :)

  2. Finished the book...Awesome!!! Can't wait to see what happens next so many subplots on a rampage. I wish it was longer but It ended well.

    1. LONGER? It has 200 pages on FM4. You crazy, crazy fan!

  3. As someone who grew up in Visalia and went to Fresno State I laughed at your descriptions of the cities. I always tell people that one of the majors at Fresno State is how to make wine. I mean, the college lets kids major in ways to create something which lets you forget what a shithole you live in. I'm sure Pot growing 101 will be on the course listing the day its legalized. Love the books. Would love to see K.H. make an invention that really causes a shitstorm, i.e. an artifact that that ANY mancer could use to make slush. Keep up the good work

  4. Did the sales numbers work out well?

    1. Did in one week what it took FM4 two weeks to do, so I can't complain. Topped out at 2.2k compared to 4.5k on the rankings, hopefully we'll crack 1k with FM6.
