
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Quick Notes #24

1.  I've already written 20k this month.  My mind is currently mush.

2.  Under 3 chapters to go.  The last conclusion chapter and the BIG FUCKING BATTLE of the book basically.  Well, of the series so far actually.  You fans ready to go over power level 9000?

3.  Of course, finishing the first draft is just the start.  Still have Edit Hell after that.  The first half of the novel is extremely solid.  Second half is on a weak foundation since I really haven't spent time editing it yet.  Looking to do at least two more drafts before release, plus formatting, plus copy editting.

4.  Damn am I proud of this novel though.  Maybe I'm delusional, but even with some of what I need to fix or tune, there's so much good stuff in this one.  I mean, if it makes the author laugh and tear up while reading, what's it going to do to you fans?

5.  That said, if you're emotionally dead inside, a cynical husk of a human being with the emotional development of a potato that only wants fight scenes with wise cracking super hero wizards...Probably shouldn't get too hyped.

6.  Taking the next couple days off.  Have new X Men, Warcraft, Jungle Book, and new Star Trek just waiting to be streamed, plus a few more episodes of Luke Cage to watch.  So there!

7.  Still not sure on release but aiming in December, probably 2nd to the 19th long as nothing weird happens.

Update:  2 TO GO.  Last scene of this book...HOLY FUCKBALLS!


  1. Excellent work! Looking forward to it.

  2. Excellent work! Looking forward to it.

  3. Sounds fantastic, can't wait!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great series. When you say 2 to go, does that mean including Book 6 or after?

    Keep up the good work.

    1. 2 chapters left for me to write in FM6. There are going to be 12 books in the King Henry Tapes, plus another series after that called World War Mancy that will wrap everything up.

      Plenty to keep me busy for the next decade!

  6. Decade? We'll give you 18 months to finish the lot or it's torches and pitchforks time :)

    1.'ll be lucky to get FM7 in 18 months :(

    2. What's your name - George R. R...? ;)

  7. Yeah, you best stay away from those nachos...

  8. I'm really looking forward to this book R.R. Good luck getting through edit hell!
