
Sunday, September 24, 2017

King Henry Box Set



Obviously I don't think you fans that check out this blog and are up to date with the series as the target audience with this one (although if you do purchase it, thank you very much for the continued support!), but here's a snazzy new 3 in 1 "box set" for the first fourth of our grand experiment.   It's part of KDP Select just like everything else, so if any Kindle Unlimited fans want a reread opportunity that only takes up one of your slots, here you go (does KU still use the 10 slots?  Maybe I'm out of date).

The one thing I will ask of you, even beg you, is to please consider taking 10 to 15 minutes to go and write an honest review telling people what you love about this series.  As always I believe your passion and support is the life blood of this endeavor and the most effective advertising tool that any author could ask for.  So please, let them know why they should give The King Henry Tapes a try!


  1. Is this a real, honest to God, paper-in-your-hands box set? I'd love to have these on a real shelf, not just filed away in my Kindle that no one else bothers to pick up.

    1. Nope, just kindle with this one. Trade paperbacks are the last post ;)

  2. which would be better? kindle set or paperbacks?

  3. Come on, RR, you know that no one likes you except when you have new book coming out : )
