
Friday, March 23, 2018

Assault on Dread Fortress Paine (FM6.5) is OUT!!!

Return of the Quick Self Made Covers!


The Battle of Eureka is won! The Curator is vanquished, his Wilder army is shattered, and his apostles have fled for their lives.

But even in victory, the legacy of Obadiah Paine is not so easily washed away. His hidden lair yet remains, Dread Fortress Paine yet stands! Within it . . . none can be sure what monstrous acts are waiting to be uncovered or guess the number of Paine loyalists who linger.

It falls on the shoulders of ESLED Strike Alpha to answer these questions and to seize Paine's hideout for the Elemental Learning Council. Led by spectromancer Ramses Lamprey, joined by civilian observer Tyson Bonnie, and aided by Council fixer Eva Reti, failure is not an option.

This volume is a can't miss for Foul Mouth fans, acting as an action packed epilogue for "The Foul Mouth and the Pit of No Return" while priming many plot points for the next main volume and even those well beyond.

Dread Fortress Paine must fall!
Linkage:  Assault on Dread Fortress Paine by Richard Raley on Amazon Kindle

Price: $2.99

Kindle Select/Unlimited:  Of course.

Have fun reading, don't inhale too quickly or you'll get a tummy ache!


  1. Yay!!!! I know what I’m doing for the weekend ;)

    1. A whole weekend? You...take your time? You...savior it? You don't fly through it in an hour, missing all the intricate details the author painstakingly thought up over the months and months he spent writing the novel? ;)

    2. Well it took me about 4-5 hours.... sleep is for the weak! And I will semi obsessively re-read a few times in the next week or so.

      So much action! So many hints of what is to come!

  2. Already read and rated on amazon... a great quick, funny, violent and impactful tale

  3. Already read and rated on amazon. A great quick side story that sets up so much more, along with some great jokes and fight scenes

    1. Thanks! Reviews do help. Especially with convincing fans it's not a side book they should be skipping!

  4. Thank you, Mr. Raley

  5. Well damn not out for me yet, Amazon says it's not available

    1. Where are you located? Whatever the answer, you should probably send Amazon an email asking them what's up. Cuz that's just weird...

    2. In Canada but I have an account in the states, says it's unavailable for sale through link and doesn't show at all through a search I'll keep checking as I love the series since I stumbled across it on the F.o.H. boards
