
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Foul Mouth Fan Question 2018 Edition

Q:  What was the first Foul Mouth novel you had to wait for?


  1. I recall waiting a few months on FM3. I know I added your blog to my RSS feed before finishing the second book because I wanted to make sure I didn't miss the release of FM3. This has been my favorite book series ever since.

  2. FM4. I remember discussing theories about what would happen next my then-boyfriend/now-husband.

  3. Had to look this up. According to my purchase history, Three Little Trips was the first one I waited for, having blitzed through the first 5 books in about 12 days after Mancy Martial Artist came out (I believe it was the one that initially caught my eye) and then all the shorts about a month later.
