
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"The Glassbreaker Goes Home" Novella Release Date: August 20th

Almost there!  I'm 1/3 of the way through my final copy edit.  Beta readers should be getting the goods Saturday or Sunday.  Promised them two weeks instead of making them rush this go around, so that means we're looking at August 20th as the most likely release date, given no emergencies, with August 24th and August 27th as backup dates.

I'm pretty happy with this one.  Happier than I was with the last one.  Granted I haven't caught the flu 3 times in a row while editing this go around, so that helps a little bit!  Still just a novella (150 pages-ish), still just a slice of life, but its very much King Henry being King Henry.  The smaller scale was actually really refreshing.  Even the last school story in FM6 was pretty weighty, so this was a nice change of pace.  As I've said before:  it's a dinner party at Shithole Price.  Sound fun?  Cool!  Buy it!  

King Henry is the POV, Val tags along.  Old Man Price, JoJo, Susan, and Vega are guests.  Marge is there.  Couple other characters show up who you might not expect ;)

Next week I'm 100% into writing FM7 finally.  Or at least the school story half.  Still have those 40 handwritten pages to type into the laptop so I'll probably start there.  We're still under the assumption we're going with the Plan A straight split, but we'll see how things develop.

FM7, man...scary book to write.  Something happens in this book that's...just...something happens!  There's basically two ways I can go with it.  One is awesome, heart pumping like crazy badassdom and the other is just...blow your mind insanity and throw your Kindle across the room kind of shit.  I suppose there are levels within each choice too.  I've known this fork in the road was there for years now and coming up on it I still don't know which way I'm going to jump.  I wish I could do both, really do.  I've gone back and forth a bunch of times.  There's just all these angles and possibilities within each's going to be so much fun!  Scary, but fun!

I might put up a sample chapter for Glassbreaker if you beg enough...


  1. Man, whatever way you decide to go, you know we'll happily jump with you! It's about time we had a Mancy Red Wedding...

    1. Maybe not that far ;) I prefer to torture my characters not kill them outright.

  2. Well if you really need us to beg. Please pleas please please pleaaaaeess.

  3. You are a sadist! Making me beg for the torture of only one chapter. It hurts so good. Better a chapter than nothing!

    1. It's not even a long chapter either. Maybe ten pages :(

  4. I just love this series and i’ve been book pushing them for some I’ll apologise now for what i’m going to say...the thing that had be sniggering to myself after Eureka was the thought of the chapter/s and the aftermath if and when Welf drops the bombshell he’s been shagging KHs sister......pleeeease tell me that this is a thing??

    1. Won't say it's a thing. Will say there will be plenty of jokes about it being a possibility KH fears.

  5. You know- the going one of two ways thing... I know this will probably get me voted off the island, but..... um... so... yeah.

    Would there be a reasonable (as in no "Bobby Ewing steps out of the shower and Pam realizes it was all a dream") way to perhaps... incorporate both? Just a thought.

    1. I'm old enough to get that reference Treydog, as long as there is no 'Who shot R.R.' episode i'm fine with whatever way the story goes :)

    2. Lots of thoughts to be had as the book is written :)

    3. I wondered the same Bobby Ewing scenario.

  6. Hey man any chance of getting the Foul Mouth on Audible anytime soon?

  7. I hate uber angst and with a year between books... Besides, I can't afford a new Kindle. If I throw my Kindle, the dog will go after it. Then there's the tug of war to get it back. He usually wins and doesn't leave much afterwards. Did I mention that he's a really big dog?

  8. Is it definitely dropping on the 20th? Is that US time or later for the UK? No I’m definitely not counting the hours, no siree ... and I certainly haven’t bought everything you’ve ever written, nor do I reread it twice a year ... ;)
