
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Extremely Important Observation

 Why is it that every time you get double same flavor in a sugar free Popsicle pack it's always fucking grape?!?!

Where's my fucking double cherry?  Huh?  Where?!?!

Slightly more important:  I got my second shot today.  Two week countdown until I can make-out with random strangers.  Cuz, ya know...I did so much of that before the pandemic...

Update:  they killed my arm.  RIP arm.


  1. Or else the banananana ones. Not only can you not stop spelling it- they can't stop putting them in the box. And you NEED your arm. Or else you will have to learn to type with one-hand when you go Mad Scientist....

  2. RIP is probably right--my son said the 2nd one was way worse, but he did make a full recovery from the ordeal about 3 days later.
