
Sunday, August 29, 2021

Not Much to Say Update

Still hot.

Still smoky.

Still working when I can but really looking forward to autumn and winter.

Crossed below 230 pounds last week.  Ton of it is hanging skin at this point.  Don't quite have the Lady Knockers I can throw over my shoulder, but if I do a sumo pose its pretty fucking skin monster hilarious.

Still sick of doctors.  Have an endoscopy in a couple weeks I'm really not looking forward to.  Might not even happen cuz the Rona keeps killing there's that.

Still working...which I guess I already said.  Very much the marathon-not-sprint part of the job.  Slogging through TWO middles at the moment.  Humps abound and not the grunting variety!  Also putting some pages into another project which you guys might hear about if it doesn't suck...

Nothing exciting, but consider this my Author Is Still Kicking Update for the next month!

Stay safe, stay cool!


  1. Glad to hear it. We had about 2 weeks of nice weather in the UK in July, since when it's pissed down almost daily. Plus FREE HEALTHCARE.

    Don't work too hard! We are all looking forward to this, so NO PRESSURE, YES? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Healthcare here in the UK is absolutely free at the point of service. You have general practitioner doctor who refers yiu to the local hospital for any treatment you need if they can't deal with it by prescription drugs. If you are a UK resident (as opposed to UK national) you aren't ever asked for your card details, insurance etc.
    Most foreign visitors can't believe it. Our National Health Service is the national religion.

  3. Thanks for the update--carry on, good sir!
