
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Another Step On the Road

Got through post-op.

Really sucky news:  the insurance only allows one burnination a year, since most people generally only have one spot on their spine that's problematic, but for me with Question Mark Corkscrew Rattlesnake's a pretty shitty policy.  Instead I'll be getting spinal steroid shots every three or so months going forward in that upper bad spot (C7-T1) until they can refocus the burnination up there.  It's become very clear with the mid back pain removed (T6-T9) that it's the upper spot of my not-so-hunchback that's pushing all the rest of the pain and not that peak part of the scoliosis curve in the mid back, so we have a much clearer's just the "best shot" wasn't actually the best shot and they're stop-gaping until they can take another.

Slightly Iffy News: dance card is very full again for May with the possibility of eight different appointments since for some stupid reason I also scheduled my yearly physical, dental cleaning, and EOE endoscopy for now Past Me!

Good News:  even though the shot missed the big bad, it still killed a henchman.  My pain is a lot better in that spot.  So we know burnination works.  Don't know how much straight typing I can do, but editing and learning how to dictate is in the wheelhouse now that my general pain isn't just making me miserable all day long and I'm in no mood to be creative.  I know it's not what you fans wanted to hear and I know it's not what I hoped for, but after years of this lingering and then exploding we are fighting back, it's just a slog until we turn the tide and hold the nerve-hordes at bay.

May my next post after the injections have nothing but the good news!


  1. Mate, is it worth running a gofundme or similar to get going a bit quicker? I'm sure I've got a few beer tickets to fling towards it. I'm also sure others would help chip in to get you back on your feet.

    1. I think you're both overestimating the size of my fan base and underestimating the cost of American healthcare!

  2. Won't try to speak for anyone else- since no one can understand my accent anyway- but what I really hope for is for you to be pain-free (or as close as we can get). Granted, when that happens, Foulmouth goodness will follow- so win all the way around.

    My happy news is that I am retired- a year earlier than anticipated... one week in and it still doesn't feel real. Now just have to get on with my "other job"- writing.

    Pleased that the dictation seems to be working for you. Sorry about the general idiocy of our healthcare system- "Oh- I see this treatment will prevent/resolve your issues. That's nice. You can't have it. Because- reasons." Sigh.

    Best wishes for a better than expected outcome, boss.
