
Friday, October 27, 2023

Backpack Battles

 Anyone else got a new addiction to this game?

My doctors have completely overloaded me with appointments in the last couple weeks (will be 6 appointments between Oct 12th and Nov 3) and I'm beaten down with a screaming back at this point.  Tramadol is literally the only thing keeping me standing.

Or...sitting on the edge of the bed playing Backpack Battles.  Which I can't stop playing.  It's especially great for my crippled ass since you only need to use a mouse to control everything and it's untimed.  Basically an inventory management, crafting/item combiner, auto battle game.  There's only two classes at the moment, it's nothing but a demo actually, not even early access.  So it's FREE (on Steam).  And I've put in like 30 hours already getting both classes into Diamond Rank,'s really good.  Check it out.

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