
Friday, February 23, 2024

WtEAW Tease: Guess the Speaker Edition

 "I have no desire whatsoever to actually know what you did to the stupid eagle!"


Here's what we'll do.

Since you're all flailing about and I am a kind, caring author, this one time we will extend the scene to make it easier.  But from now on I will only extend the scene when one of you guesses correctly!


"I don’t dare let you run wild around the school…creating Mancy knows how much mayhem.  Dingle’s already come to my door for three weeks in a row, screeching over whatever you and your Singles did to her eagle."

I opened my mouth again.

"I have no desire whatsoever to actually know what you did to the stupid eagle!"

Mouth closed.


  1. Replies
    1. Wait, it's a WtEAW teaser, that means only school days. Miranda's a possibility, but that seems too likely and by this time she'd likely mess with him instead. I'll go with Naomi.

  2. Replies
    1. Shit! Are you going to tell us who boss or should we keep guessing?

  3. know I was going to guess it and based on the latest post, is it Asa?

  4. Plutarch or Ceinwyn. I'm going with Plutarch for this scene. Locking it in Regis.
