
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Mice and Men And All That Jazz

So the MRI results showed "moderate" issues in my C4 to C7 range.  Like...there's things there that are very not good, but maybe not to the cut out bone and slam in screws and rods range.

What this means is that the last RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation, AKA Burninating the Nerves) C7 to T2 missed 3 out of the 4 problem areas.  Which is bad, but gave me so much relief as is, I'm very hopeful about what a correctly placed one will do.

However, because my very first T6-T9 RFA is over a year old at this point and its relief is rather quickly wearing off (basically serious mid back pain that gets worse and worse the longer I sit and stand until I have no choice but to lie down and rest) and because that new C4-C7 RFA would require me to go through the whole branch block testing procedure again (basically the whole same thing as an RFA except its just some lidocaine (I think) that lasts 24 hours as a test), docs and me decided to get the T6-T9 out of the way first.

Some other good news is that what usually takes four to six weeks to schedule is INSTANTLY happening next Thursday and then the second half at the start of May (since they do one side and then the other).

After that we'll get to the branch blocks and finally the full C4-C7 in October/November.

So that's six procedures over the rest of the year, but no crazy surgery that's got some serious recovery time and PT attached.

My plan was to go full Mad Scientist Mode after this appointment I just had and try to finish the book this month, but that's probably not in the cards now.  Will still write when able and in smaller bursts, but I need that recovery week after every RFA pretty much, so...more broken up instead of one blast!

And if any of you respond and tell me to think about my health and recovery instead of writing, I will kick you in the fucking shin 😡


  1. Think of the kittens.... See... nothing about your "H" word or "R" word. Keeping good thoughts in mind, Boss. And also too, just as an after-thought.... might shin-kicking be contra-indicated for your back? Asking for a friend. I suppose you could wear moccassins so you wouldn't leave marks... (10 pts. for the reference)

  2. Right, so I ain't gonna mention your health or anything, but I will say this, it's good to hear shit's getting figured out so it's less on your mind when writing. I also won't say rest or recover and instead say, do what you can since I'd really enjoy another book after my fifth re-read.

  3. "And if any of you respond and tell me to think about my health and recovery instead of writing, I will kick you in the fucking shin 😡"

    OK, fine, get the damn book finished, you lazy cunt.
