
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Root Canal Done In One

My endodontist is a machine.  A five-foot, tiny-fingered, tooth-grinding machine.  Guess my problem was having a massive cavity inside the actual gum line, below the cavity my dentist could see even with his normal dental x-rays.  So...yeah, 3 hours in the chair as she cleaned it out, did a root canal, and built the whole core up so the dentist could finish the job later this month.

Good News:  I'm two appointments below where I thought I would be for the month.

Bad News:  I'm fucking super sore.  My jaw is a wreck.  My spine...heh.  Going to be in bed a couple days!

Happy 4th to you all.  


  1. Be safe, get better and I hope the central valley cools off for you.

    1. We're so hot that the cool off coming on the 15th is "only" 99 degrees!
