
Monday, July 20, 2015

Sky-Island and The Betrothal Join KDP Select

As I said early this month, Sky-Island 1827-E and The Betrothal have both now been placed in the KDP Select program, making them exclusive to Amazon reading devices and Amazon reading programs.  That's the slightly bad part of the whole deal, the good part is that if you have Amazon Prime or are a member of Amazon Unlimited, you can now pick up both books under the "borrow" feature.  Which makes them, Kinda-Sort Free at all times.

In addition to this, The Betrothal has gotten an updated 2100 by 1400 pixel cover and a new 2015 edition with the fewest number of typos in its rocky history.  It being my debut novel, I did not have a beta reading team at the time, and it was SO OLD that it even got published back when Amazon only required 600 by 400 covers.  THE DARK AGES.

For those that don't know, The Betrothal is a Bromance New Adult Romantic Comedy that was written just for me to learn how to write and finish a book before I moved on to more serious stuff and characters dearer to my heart.  Don't go into it expecting King Henry, all the curse words are even BLEEPED out.  The horror!

As for Sky-Island, to celebrate and just cause I can, I will be enrolling it for a Free Promotion that anyone can pick up on Amazon, from August 3rd to August 7th.  So if you're a fan, old or new, keep an eye out on that one.  If you read the book and like it, or have read the book and like it, then please think about leaving a review.  It only has 5 reviews!  Bad fans!  Letting  your author down!

Check them out:
The Betrothal
Sky-Island 1827-E

Minor Update:  Wrote a little bit on Gush and Short Pack 2 before I got into this publishing side stuff, going to start in on them again tonight.  Had a dentist appointment Thursday and have two more to get through in the next month (boo cavities!).  Plus...TI5 starts next Sunday, so...yeah, that always kicks my ass.  King Henry Short Pack 1 looks like it will come out the first week of September.  I'll be doing a lot of updating of files and blurbs that same day, so the "books by RR" sections are all updated and everything.  After that I'll probably get into working on the print-on-demand edits for FM1.

As I warned, lots of stuff happening, not exactly the fun part that I love about the job:  writing.  But, we'll get there.


  1. So i have been trying for about 2 years to get my family to read your fowl mouth books and finally yesterday they started reading them and refused to read my copies and had to get their own. So just thought i would give you a heads up that i finally managed to get you some new fans.

    1. Great job, Jack. I still can't get my own family to read my books, so you're doing better than I am!

  2. I really enjoyed the Betrothal which I read -and paid for - last year - it's very tightly plotted in a way that sort of reminded me of PG Wodehouse.
    When's the next full length Foulmouth coming out? It's been too long a wait already!
