
Monday, August 3, 2015

Sky-Island Free Week + Minor Updates

As I said in my last post, Sky-Island 1827-E is free on the vast variety of Amazon sites and ereaders this week, through the 7th.  So if you haven't read that book yet, now is the perfect time to get started!

Sky-Island 1827-E

Update-wise, I'm still getting my ass kicked by real life with dentist appointments for the next couple weeks.  Other than that, I've been piddling about with Gush, pretty happy with where that book is headed now, and I just started a readthrough/format pass on FM1 for the eventual Print-On-Demand version that should be coming...eventually.  But sooner than the old eventually, just...eventually.  Mostly it's about typos and commas, but a print book's formatting obviously sits differently than an ebook, so have to deal with that too.

So if you have any typos you hate in FM1-FM5, now's the time to email me about it before I start putting the book through Createspace...eventually.

But mostly, FREE BOOK:

Sky-Island 1827-E

August 3rd through the 7th.




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