
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Biggest FMing I've Ever Experienced

WTF!!!  10.0 GK!!!


Cost me Invincible BTW

Anyway...still editing a bit here or there.  Down to 100 ms pages left + the hw to type in before we're on to new material with WAR TO END ALL WARS.  Still in a ton of pain.  Still waiting on my doctor's office to get their heads of our their collective asses on the MRI.

Doing what I can, but this is super rough.  Grieving my grandfather was brutal, but at least because my head was in such a bad place I was unable to really be frustrated.  I was just an overwhelmed mess that couldn't feel much of anything else.  Now, frustration is all I feel...I'm so ready to write, it's all I want to do---12 hours a day, sign me up coach!---and...I just can't do it because my body can't take the strain, can't take anything beyond a few hours a day more than 2 or 3 days in a row...

Just going to keep going, limping and crawling along the marathon route this go around!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm sorry to hear of your continued pain. That must be awful for you, and I understand the longer the it goes on, the worse and more hopeless you can feel. As of today, my 25 y.o. daughter is back in a psychiatric hospital for the 4th time... Pain and grief, I am well acquainted with both.
    I'm sorry to see you following The Toon...🤣
    West Ham are in the semis in the Europa League against Eintracht Frankfurt on 28 April, 1st leg!

  3. I am sorry you are in pain AND having to arm-wrestle The System. I bet you get some of your best Foul Mouth rant inspirations from that. I wonder if perhaps you might find writing easier if you just dictated your book for the time being. Get one of your devoted fans to type out the first draft from dictation. In fact, you could probably get a lot of volunteer help that way. I spent a few years as a copy- and substantive editor (for factual reporting, nothing so interesting as fiction!), and most of my career writing such reports, so I could help out--IF you want to let the baby--that freaky, hairy baby-- out of your hands and into the world early... That's always the big question, isn't it? King Henry sure wouldn't trust a stranger that much! Still, dictaphone is something to think about. I'll help if you want. Just sayin...
