
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Nothing Happening

Dealing with doctors and referral departments STILL MRI-less as the bureaucratic and administrative mistakes pile up on all sides, trying not to hurt my back so bad I have to lie in bed all day, editing for a few hours occasionally when able a couple times a week...

Playing Hearthstone again...Duels is fun...

Madrid vs City was crazy awesome...

Two thumbs up to The Batman...

50 pages left to edit + the handwritten stuff.  Yeah, super slow progress.  Do like what I've written.  Start of the book is kind of...a mess, but I'm not sure if I want to cut or where and if I can bring myself to kill so many jokes and great character moments just for pacing...especially since the point of WTEAWs is to BE indulgent and extra jokey and extra character based and plot be damned..."This is filler!" whiners will be out in force though...

Just never been this frustrated in my entire life.  I feel like my time is being stolen from me.  

Sherburt's still adorable, so there's that!

Though I could do without the 3AM surprise shoulder kneading sessions...

Sorry for the blah update!  Here's hoping next month we've seen some spine progress and that I can at least get those last 50 pages and the handwrittens typed in.

Take care of yourself, you only get one body!


  1. Take care of yourself as much as you can, boss. I understand the impulse to delete with a fireman's axe... but for THIS book, I think it is time to keep the kitchen sink, and the Smurfs, and possibly even the tutu-wearing hippos (well, okay, maybe not THAT).

    Maybe they are getting our charts mixed- the THIRD time in a year I got shipped to the ER.... (after NEVER having gone to one ever).... it was because I passed out after they drew a unit of 10-30W from my veins. And while there- they gave me a CT scan. Why? I suppose because they already had the machine and I have insurance?

    Edit when you are able, same for writing. Otherwise, do other stuff that is pleasurable. You have given us many hours of happiness by sharing your words and your imagination. And we get to cheat- we can (and do) go back and read those words again... and again... and...
