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Seismic Semester Discussion Thread

Leave questions for me until the Q&A in a couple/few weeks (I try to stay out of the discussion threads to let you all have a space to t...

Friday, March 21, 2025

Seismic Semester Fan Survey

Going on three weeks, I assume a large number of people are starting to finish the book (71 ratings, 4.8 average, woohoo!), so let me throw out the same three questions I gave the beta readers (who can also answer here it they want, or maybe their opinion changed after a reread).

1.  Favorite Scene?

2.  Biggest Laugh?

3.  Favorite Single?

Q&A will be start of next month looks like!  Kinda in doctor/physio hell for the next week.  Am stealing the occasional feel good day to write, but not a lot.  And...I deleted about 1.5k words worth of work one night because I was unhappy with it...sigh.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Release Recap and Looking Forward

So...release has been great.  Maxed out just inside the top 3k, which isn't my record since PIT OF NO RETURN was just outside the top 1k for awhile, but there's a vastly higher amount of novels being published these days and they probably equal out.  Reviews are great, no gnashing about the singular timeline yet.  It's really nice to see the fanbase start to find the series again and purchase the new book without any delay, considering how harrowing and miserable the journey to get here has been.

One thing that does annoy me...I've already made half of my total take on EVERCHANGING DILEMMA within one week of SEISMIC SEMESTER being out.  Now, KENP wise, we are talking about an 800 page novel versus a 250 page novel, but...more of you need to give MancyVerse Moments a try!  Especially EVERCHANGING DILEMMA.

I pity the fans that skip these novels and pick up MOST OBVIOUS TRAP totally confused why we've moved from A to F.

And that's where we're heading.

These are the three books I'll be working on over the next couple/few year(s).




Probably in that order release-wise.  The Vicky novel has to release before MOST OBVIOUS TRAP since it takes place a month or so before FM7 (the fabled, long in coming FM7).  January 2020 versus Feb/March 2020 in our timeline.  AGAIN there will be no pandemic in the MancyVerse since...I need my characters flying (or World-Breaking) around the globe, not stuck inside learning how to bake bread while watching Tiger King.

There's a possibility I'll get a massive push of inspiration for WAR TO END ALL WARS and finish it first, but I just spent so much time on our lovely teenage bullshit that I'm very overdosed at the moment and looking for something else to dive into with a bit more weight...and more vampires...and more dragons.

The Vicky novel obviously has Vicky as the main POV, but with a small slice of Tyson and a surprise or two.  Those of you that have emailed me worrying that the Singles would not have a place in the mainline because you love them so much now and don't want them to disappear since they're still students will immediately be put at ease!

Heck, here's a tease:

“Self-flagellation?” Juliette brightly quipped.

Brother choked on his wine and took a moment to recover. “Um…one hopes not.”

Just like PIT OF NO RETURN was in many ways a sequel to TROUBLED BOOMWORM, THE MOST OBVIOUS TRAP is in many ways a sequel to HEADLESS HUNNY.  It's a vampire novel.  You can probably guess who is gonna show up.  You will also finally get to properly meet my favorite Divine.

And, of course, WAR TO END ALL WARS is a direct sequel to SEISMIC SEMESTER, finally wrapping up the school timeline with the wild 2016 Winter War.  Hijinks will ensue.

Healthwise, I'm feeling good by my standards and have started physio, which is an every Friday kind of thing at the moment.  So that will eat up some of my time, but the long term benefits are in my favor for sure.

I'll let you all poke and prod me with a Q&A end of this month or start of next month, until then the discussion thread is all yours.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Seismic Semester Discussion Thread

Leave questions for me until the Q&A in a couple/few weeks (I try to stay out of the discussion threads to let you all have a space to theorize without the author being a know-it-all!).

Spoilers in the comments, of course.

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Foul Mouth and the Seismic Semester is OUT!!!

You can read this NOW!!!

Linkage:  The Foul Mouth and the Seismic Semester by Richard Raley

Might take a while longer for it to completely propagate through Amazon's system, but there we are!

I'll put up a discussion thread in a bit and probably do a Q&A in a couple weeks like usual, but for now...ENJOY!!!

Oh, write a review when you finish, please!  Or at the very least, when the kindle asks you to rate the novel, click the star you think I deserve.

Thank you all for sticking around through everything that's happened!