Friday, January 26, 2024

Two Weeks Post

Started to feel a lot better.  Actually wasn't as bad this time around, mostly because so many of my nerves had already been beaten into submission, I'm sure!  But, yeah...can do some light typing now.  Maybe fifteen to twenty minutes before I need a break.  Still can't lift or reach or have anything at all touch my upper spine (so sitting in a chair is still pretty impossible), but...another big improvement.  Been plowing through the pages I printed out for editing.  Think I have maybe 20 left.  Over 100 finished.  Typed 45 or so into the computer.  Some of the parts I've already edited are pretty pristine, but every time I get to a section I ignored and haven't gone through, does that red cover the page!  Oh...I can also hand write with a pen again, though unless predictive handwriting software improves more than it current is or I win the lotto and can pay for someone to do the typing for me, that's probably still a limited avenue of getting work done.

Next up will be a readthrough of the 7k I already have for this chapter and then finishing the second half of it.  There's probably 6 to 8 chapters left to write.  Anywhere from 300 to 500 pages.  If I do split it, and again I won't make that decision until we're later in the year and I see where my progress is at and how my spine is holding up, I'm pretty sure I know how to do it now in a way that isn't totally sudden and shitty.  Still be a lot resolved in the second novel, but I don't think it will be as bad as I feared.  Desired result is still huge monstrosity, but...we'll see!

Medical's a waiting room to see how long these RFAs last.  They say six months to two years and the first one was a little over ten months ago.  The other thing, is that because they're working in the cervical area instead of the thoracic spine, I haven't had an MRI up there, so they want to get that done too.  If they finally find some compression or a serious herniation, that might mean surgery finally (but also might mean a more permanent fix!).  If the insurance is nice and they just agree, that's just one quick appointment.  If not...they'll make me do physio therapy again and I will want to fucking die for about a month before they discharge me again.

Other than that, I'm fully engaged on writing using the smart phone and editing up a storm on paper and typing in maybe 5 pages a day max!  Eventually it will be finished!  One day...probably before Martin finishes TWOW...might be bigger than TWOW too since King Henry is such a gabby fuck...

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Extended WTEAW Tease

Currently editing about 120 pages I printed up to have something to do while I heal up.  Thought I'd share some!

A whole weekend to myself.

No more inevitable crises.

No more petty squabbles.

Every teenage dream, adolescent nightmare, and all that happened in-between.

Just me and my ol’ stomping grounds.


Too hot for TV.

Bigger, longer…wait…nah, still six inches.  Uncut?  Nope!  No elephant trunk coving this boy’s pee-hole!

Consider the King Returned, Bitches!

Where the elf women at?!?

Ain’t any.  Not outside of some randy collectable cards Russell Quilt keeps locked up in his desk drawer.  Miss Foster probably ferreted them out and burned the smut by now.  No, Sweetie, don’t do it!  Fiona Flamecrotch is worthy fifty dollars!  Mrs. Quilt, rather.  Somehow my epic bachelor party with the stripper bus hadn’t derailed proceedings, so I suppose randy elf cards ain’t gonna lead to divorce neither.  Been over a year of newlywed bliss from how Quilt talks and scuttlebutt says they took a long vacation a month back to try to sew their first little bundle of patchwork.  No word on if they succeeded or if randy elf cards were used to help the process along.  I’m not wearing those ears again, Russell!

I mean, even if elf women did exist, not too likely they’re letting my short ugly ass see that grade-AAA immortal elf coochie anyway.

Dwarf women?

Fo’ sure with the dwarf women!

Not talking little dude kinda dwarf women neither.  Talking the kind that’s stockier than Romanian shot-putters and hairier than any Armenian girl ever existed, even Khloe Kardashian.  Dwarf women, the original gold diggers!  Look at the bushy beard on that one!  You see the braided nipple hair tassels she got going?  And that trunk!  Look how muscular and square it is!  Forget cushion for the pushin’, give me ridges for the grippin’!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Burnination 2B Done

Enter two weeks of a screaming shoulder, aching muscles, and bed lounging.  Finished the chapter I was working on, plus 7k into the next one, btw.