Friday, December 22, 2023

Not Gonna Tempt Fate With Good News Claims

But...7k written in the last week.  Including a trip to the dentist that's had me feeling sore as hell the last three days (chairs, car seats, and generally my spine being pressed against any material that isn't a bed are my biggest enemies still!).

For comparison, through the massive struggles of this year with pain, plus getting all the burninations and procedures done, I wrote a rather pathetic 25k in total.

HUGE improvement.

Right on the edge of the halfway point.  Then we're time skipping to just before the winter break and then the next chapter, the Winter War starts.

Loving every minute of writing again, even if I'm having to do it on a stupid phone.  Million times better than not writing at all!  Am looking forward to giving typing a try post the C7-T2 right side burnination in a few weeks however.  Actually, I'll probably need a month for it to say start of February-ish?

Also, we have to see how my body/back handles the marathon of finishing this novel.  7k a week is solid, but I need about fifteen? more weeks of that to finish.  Plus Edit Hell...will NOT be able to put in the usual 20 hour days for a month straight I  pulled before, so that could take much longer.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Burnination #2 Part B

Second week of January I'll be getting the right side done C7-T2.  Left side feels a ton better now.  Still have some muscle weakness in the wrist and fingers so I'm not able to abandon my trusty wrist brace quite yet and typing might not feel like someone is slamming a knife repeatedly into my left shoulder now, but it's still uncomfortable.  I typed about ten pages of edits in a few days ago and it took about three different sessions with breaks in-between.  Maybe some of that is the right side leaking over and all that pain will dissipate after this is done, maybe I'll need some physio to build the muscles back up, but considering before the procedure doing something like that would've had me whimpering for two or three days, it's a huge improvement already.

Also I went out to the doctor and grabbed some groceries after yesterday and...I'm just kind of sore instead of wanting to die right now, so that's also pretty huge.

I've been writing a pretty good amount on the phone.  More than I could before.  One day I literally just predictive texted my ass through a whole scene setting up two different back stories I've been looking forward to share for years.  Up to 117k words now.  Or 425 manuscript pages.  Still working on the big halfway point moment (2015 Camping Test).  Big problem do you make it interesting while KH can't actually take part in it?

Going to see how it plays out over the next few months, but if this keeps getting bigger and bigger I might just split it, publish what I have, and have the War to End All Wars half (2016 Winter War) be a second novel.  Or maybe I'll just publish a thousand page monstrosity, we'll see.  If I split it, I'll piss off people that want a "full story".  If I don't split it, I'll piss off people that think it's too long.  If I hack 1/3 of the novel out in editing, I'll feel horrible about killing my beautiful babies.

Really no winning.

So I'll just do what I want, neener neener!