Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 2011

I just saw an ad on the television for fake cigarettes, so I guess it's that time of year.  Promises of ending bad habits and even bigger promises to lose weight jumping from this way and that.  Lots of delusion, lots of hope.  Anything could happen.  Everything that came before can be forgotten.  For me, my New Years resolution is simple:  get a novel published.

Okay, so maybe not simple.  Pretty lofty actually.  If you happened across a person at the check-stand and they said that, you'd move over to aisle number four and laugh about it once you got to your car.  But that's my goal for 2011.  Get a novel published.

To help me with that goal I decided to start this blog to chronicle the journey, either to cities of gold or into the cook-pot of a cannibal, who knows?