Monday, March 28, 2011

March Stats

Words written = 20k
Chapters written = 5
Rejection Slips = 4
Rejections agents/publishers probably didn't bother even sending = 5
Days infested by influenza = 14
Days infested by family = 6

Kindle conversion

I've been screwing around with formating for my first book on the kindle.  The whole process is almost shockingly easy, converting word into html then html into a kindle prc file.  The only problem is that in manuscript paragraphs that are totally fine to read now look incredibly bulky on the kindle even at the lower font settings and probably take four or five clicks to get through at the bigger blind old people settings.  Of problems I expected, this one wasn't on the radar, and it's pretty small beans.  If only the perfectionist in me would shut up and go back in his corner.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I've been sick for two weeks straight.  It comes and goes, but never really leaves.  I'm pretty sure the whole city is feeling my pain since the medicine section of the local Wal-Mart is starting to look like a walk of the zombies, not to mention the sudden shortage of NyQuil.  There's a possibility one could chart a pandemic by the available NyQuil stocks, starting with cheap generic cherry flavor as a normal day and ending up on expensive brand name horrible green flavor in full meltdown mode.

If so then Fresno is in full meltdown mode.