Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pets: My Dogs

Thought I'd lighten all the book/author vibe up with my dogs being there usual unique selves.

CISCO (2 Year Old Chihuahua)


GUS AS TEENAGER(7 Months Old Rat Terrier Mix)

You wouldn't believe the number of sentence's they've interrupted...and like I could hold it against them...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

RReview: Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris

Link: Theodore Rex

Ranking: Wait for Paperback (it is out in paperback)

Comment: I didn't feel Roosevelt as much in this as I did in the first Morris novel "Rise", which unlike this is a must read. Some of this comes from the limits of the presidency itself, but still I was left asking, "Where is Teddy Roosevelt?" Maybe it's just middle-book-itis.

Monday, June 27, 2011

RReview: The Secret History of the Mongol Queens by Jack Weatherford

Link: Mongol Queens

Ranking: Wait for Paperback

Comment: The first third on mongol culture was fantastic but then it just devolved into torture and torture and while I'm sure it was accurate, how depressing!

Friday, June 24, 2011

RReview: A World Undone by GJ Meyer

Link: A World Undone

Ranking: Get it Now!

Comments: If you read one novel on World War One, then read "Guns of August" but if you want a complete look at the entire war, this is a good book to dive into. Prepare to be depressed by the foolishness and needless deaths.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


To me the only point of novellas, novelettes, or short stories is to do something new, try out a concept, have a little bit of fun without getting too serious or wasting too much time if it doesn't quite work. I'm trying to release at least a novella a year to do just that in new and unique worlds of both science fiction and fantasy, plus some that probably straddle both.

Prime Pickings

Prime Pickings is the first story in my Eaters world. It is a dystopian tale of Earth gone wrong, where most of mankind is locked behind walls and the rest float above the scourge, stealing and scavenging what they can before the Eaters find them. What is an Eater? Yeah...I'm not telling.

Get Prime Pickings by Richard Raley for Amazon Kindle

Slime Dinner
More on this later, the second novella in the Eaters world.

Mension Burst
More on this later, look for info in 2012. Science Fiction.

More on this later, look for info in 2012. Fantasy/Steampunk.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

RReview: Empires of the Sea by Roger Crowley

Link: Empires of the Sea

Rating: Get it Now!

Comments: Making me glad, yet again, that I don't live in the 16th century.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Prime Pickings Cover

Since it's dystopian sci-fi revolving around scavengers I went with a rust look for this one. Very simple fonts, wanted a somber tone. The key word to it is actually "Eater" not the title. Vampire? Zombie? Cannibal? None of the above?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

RReview: Rawhide Down by Del Quentin Wilber

Link: Rawhide Down

Ranking: Wait for Paperback

Comments: Has serious Can't-put-it-down-ness but isn't thick enough to warrant hardcover price. Bookmark it for the day it goes trade paperback.

Friday, June 10, 2011

RReview: Bossypants by Tina Fey

Link: Bossypants

Rank: Get it Now!

Comment: Yes there are laughs but it's the personable and personal storytelling that wins you over.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

RReview: Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch

Link: Midnight Riot

Rank: Borrow it From a Rich Friend

Comment: the tagline of "Harry Potter grows up and joins the Fuzz" is very deceiving. The main character knows nothing about magic and is just starting out, so expect training montages. An average Urban Fantasy that is more concerned with London than story or magic or anything else really...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Betrothal Cover

So yeah, the problem with the last one was that you couldn't see the subtitle in white. Beside, this is more of what I had in mind when I originally came up with the Twilight Zone like swirls of hot pink and baby blue.

RReview: How I Killed Pluto and Why It had It Coming by Mike Brown

Link: How I Killed Pluto

Ranking: Buy it Now!

Comments: Great scientific and personal story both put together. My favorite non-fiction novel I've read this year so far.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

RReview: Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews

Link: Magic Slays

Ranking: BUY IT NOW!

Comments: Not as good as book 4 but still the best Urban Fantasy out there. Another reminder to writers in the genre: focus on the "Fantasy" not the "Urban" in the label.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

RReview: Undisputed by Chris Jericho

Link: Undisputed

Rank: Wait for Paperback

Comment: When Jericho is writing about his wrestling career it is some personal and powerful stuff, not to mention a good inside look at the business. When he's writing about his band... funny, but not as interesting. If you're a wrestling fan buying the book, beware that you might only find half of it to your liking.