Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Halfway There

A couple nights ago I finally finished the first draft of the school timeline for FM3.  Why are you only finding out about it now?  Well...there might have been football to distract me.  To not morph into George RR Martin I won't spend a lot of time talking about how my 49ers are in the Super Bowl other than to 49ers are in the Super Bowl!

Right now, the first draft of said school timeline sits are 50k words, pretty much a novel in it's own right.  Lot of time with the kids at the Asylum this time around.  I'm pretty happy with it as is and don't see any rewrites being needed, so other than a tweak here or there and the usual inspiration you get during an edit, things are looking pretty good.

I already started the shop timeline half the book last month, so there's 5 chapters left to write on this sucker.  They're going to be some serious WTF chapters though...

While I always hesitate to throw out dates...May/June/July isn't out of this world for a release possibility.

And back to the grindstone I go.

With occasional videogame breaks...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thank You, Reviewers

Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has left a review/rating for my books at Amazon, Goodreads, and all the other digital storefronts.  FM1 hit 36 reviews today on Amazon (adding 12 in the last month!) and I'm pretty amazed by the progress.  Reviews and word of mouth are the driving force for Indie authors getting sales, so you really have to rely on your fans to help you, and you guys are being awesome.

Thank you!