Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Writing Break Continues Quick Notes

1.  So yeah, I'm still taking it easy on the writing front, even if the urge is growing.  Lots of turning on the laptop and looking at blank pages thinking about how I could write and sometimes I even do burst out a quick few paragraphs, but nothing much at the moment.

2.  Finished up all the formatting on King Henry Box Set One, which will be coming out sometime in March.

3.  Paid my taxes, yay?

4.  Have completed the formatting on the print-on-demand versions, not sure when I'll get around to putting them through Createspace, but some serious progress on that front.

5.  New covers!  I've tasked the team at Deranged Doctor Design to craft six covers for the main King Henry books.  They'll be ready and should roll out August to September.

6.  Have jury duty in April, boo!

7.  A lesser known King Henry classmate will be in the first novella I'm working on, along with Tyson and a much more well known classmate, do know that much so far.

8.  No estimates on when it or Gush or really anything will be done.

9.  Here's hoping my brain starts working soon!