Sunday, August 29, 2021

Not Much to Say Update

Still hot.

Still smoky.

Still working when I can but really looking forward to autumn and winter.

Crossed below 230 pounds last week.  Ton of it is hanging skin at this point.  Don't quite have the Lady Knockers I can throw over my shoulder, but if I do a sumo pose its pretty fucking skin monster hilarious.

Still sick of doctors.  Have an endoscopy in a couple weeks I'm really not looking forward to.  Might not even happen cuz the Rona keeps killing there's that.

Still working...which I guess I already said.  Very much the marathon-not-sprint part of the job.  Slogging through TWO middles at the moment.  Humps abound and not the grunting variety!  Also putting some pages into another project which you guys might hear about if it doesn't suck...

Nothing exciting, but consider this my Author Is Still Kicking Update for the next month!

Stay safe, stay cool!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

So HOT August Update

So hot...

Not as ON FIRE as last week, hot...just, I generally hate living in Fresno, but I REALLY hate Fresno at the moment, about done with Fresno at this point in my life kind of hate hot!

*glances at Canada, sees its also on fire*

*glances at Alaska, sees bear eating a moose*

Anyway, 27 pages left to type in.  Session 94 is in the can.  7ish left to go from what I figure.  Been averaging about 12k a chapter at this rate, so makes it 84k left to write, which is probably what I've written so far once these pages are in the word file, so...

Halfway there?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Everything has ballooned with this novel so far, so I'm leery, but...maybe we are?

I do have to remind myself that as the last School Story, this novel is wrapping up a whole timeline and has quite a bit more to do.  Also there's the whole Class 2015 aspect, which...them's a lot of new characters, Raley.  Granted they had their moment and should be more background now, but...pffft.

Story-wise...we're not even to the Winter War that represents the title of the book, so...

I'm fucking scared, guys!

What have I created?

It's gonna eat me!!!

Just like that poor moose...

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

War to End All Wars Mini Tease #4

“There’s three testing periods?” Tatiana wasn’t the only one horrified, she’s just the one spoke up.

Wagged my finger. “Testing never stops, that’s just when they let it get mundane with the exams.”

“We don’t have homework, right?” Max Lamont worried.

“It’s a school,” Cicero Yates scoffed, “of course we have homework.”

“But…we don’t have a home!”

“If it’s anything like at the Academy,” Juliette Maes-Welf mollified, “then think of it less as busy work and more like weekly essays.”

“That’s worse!” Tat growled.

“Down with the system!” I agreed, fist in the air.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 Text Widget is acting weird and I couldn't update it without messing around in the blog layout with html so I've changed the Status Updates at the top to its own page so it's easier on me, just click the link if you want to see them now.

Outside of that...I'm typing all those hand-written pages into the laptop at the moment editing as I go.

60 left at this point.

Also, I finally admitted to myself that WAR TO END ALL WARS will need 16 sessions, not the usual 8 a school story gets, and things look more manageable now.