Monday, April 23, 2018

It's Heating Up Notes

1.  Hit 90 yesterday.  That lovely Fresno summer is right around the corner!

2.  The reason it seems like the status bars haven't moved is because the weather has been so nice I've been doing a bit of hand writing away from the laptop.  Every other year I get the fancy and pump out some pages this way.  Of course now I have 20+ handwritten pages to type into the computer eventually...

3.  Down to two and a half scenes left to write for the KH half and like 4 for Vicky's.  As expected, lots of conversations and funny moments, not a whole lot of earth shattering plot.

4.  Avengers comes out this week, yay!

5.  Loving the crap out of the new God of War.  A sizable chunk of the worldbuilding for the King Henry Tapes comes from Norse mythology so leading Kratos around killing the shit out of some dark elves in Alfhiem and chatting up the World Serpent is pretty awesome.

6.  Finally watched Altered Carbon.  Was overall very good and would recommend.  Although some of the changes they made to the plot were quite odd, I have to admit, and the last few episodes got super melodramatic.  At the very least, it's just awesome that there's a TV series for Altered Carbon of all novels, that's the world we live in now.

7.  Trying to stay away from the net and focus on writing mostly.  Especially from reviews.  If I could just completely ignore them my mental health would be so much better.  Am quite a lot more cynical about them than when I started with all that naivety years and years ago.  So, if you email me and I take a week to respond, that's probably why.

8.  Seems like you're vastly picking Option A for FM7, so may the cliffhanger be on your own heads!

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