Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Quick Notes: the Aftermath

1.  So I sold more copies on April 2nd than I did on release day.  Were you fans broke, waiting for the kids to get lost, or did reading a KH book on Easter weekend just seem too sacrilegious for you?  Answers, please!

2.  General reaction to FM6.5 is about where I thought it would be.  Few people don't like Tyson's whinging (you think it's bad reading it, you should try writing it!  So polite!  So many qualifers!  ACK!), most are digging Eva, and the majority are happy enough that it was at worst worth the $2.99.  Not the best KH book ever, but...a nice taste to hold you off to the FM7 feast, I hope.  And come on, that ending kicked your ass!

3.  Just a reminder:  FM6 was insane, topping it will likely take a miracle.  I'm going to try with FM7 but...well, hold on to your butts.

4.  Speaking of FM7, I started working on it finally, yay!  Working on the school story, 5k of work in the bag.  We skipped a whole year from Pent to just a couple days before the start of the last year, so there's some catch up in there on what probably would have been some of the most boring school stories if I'd actually written them.  Namely the relationship with Eva (pretty sure we've covered this just a little bit) and KH stealing and barting for the materials to make his first artifact.  Which if you are a good fan you should know is...?

5.  Also working on an edit of Glassbreaker Goes Home.  When I started these I much more gravitated to it over Assault, so the 25k I had was all written before I figured everything out with FM6.5.  For one, the original version of FM6.5 had no Isabel in it.  Crazy thought reading it now, right?  That was all added in the second rewrite.  Before that it was meant to be Teresa Garcia who stuck around out of vengeance and well...  Let that be a lesson to aspiring writers:  anything can and will change from draft to draft.  So don't be afraid if the first one sucks, it's kind of supposed to!

So, yeah, having to solidify some of the thoughts on the assault in FM6.75 now, and other I expect there might be a KH rant about babies coming up...

6.  I like FM6.75 so much better than 6.5...oh, I'm horrible father playing favorites, yes I am.  It's all character stuff!  So good!  No yucky action scenes!  Just KH and Val and Susan and...there's like a 40 page conversation between Vicky and Moira Welf and I love it so much!  Probably not a surprise since one of my favorite scenes I've ever written is the Ceinwyn vs KH argument at the end of FM4.

7.  Oh, more FM7 news I forgot about!  I took the time to come up with the entire list for all of Ultra Class 2015 this go around.  Bit of a spoiler, but Student-Advisor Price has lots of work to do.  30 new characters!  Well, 28, you should know two of them already if you read FM5.5.  I'll try to post the list soonish, although you still have months of waiting, you poor babies...

8.  You will surely recognize some of the last names...

9.  This month is looking great.  Avengers!  God of War!  Hearthstone expansion!  Tons of writing from RR?  I hope so!

10.  Generally my goal at this point in a release is to disappear, even lock the WiFi in a drawer if I have to.  Thanks to everyone who writes reviews, but man those things tear me up, even the good ones.  Never have a job that can be rated by the general public, so stressful!

11.  So...writing...I'm gonna get back at it!


  1. If I had to guess, I'd say it has more to do with Amazon pushing the author update of the novelette being up for sale about that time. I know that's about when I got the message, in spite of having bought it before that.

    1. Could be. The Ways of the Amazon are mysterious to all.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am so with you on liking "FM6.75 so much better than 6.5...oh, I'm horrible father playing favorites, yes I am. It's all character stuff!" Character stuff is so much better than boring battle stuff. Please give us lots of character stuff about Buzz

    1. No room for Buzz this next go around, you'll have to wait :)

  4. I'm totally with jmek on the character stuff. I reread all the non-school episodes from FM3 to FM6 to prepare for 6.5. But I generally skipped over the action scenes, while panning the gold. They are great and cool and NECESSARY the first time round. But the character stuff is the paydirt.

    Eva is almost as cool as Star and Annie B.

    NB: $2.99, you say. As one of your European readers, it cost me $4.50. The Price we pay.

  5. And the hairy strawberry is growing on me, but still no.

  6. I gotta tell ya, I was late to the party buying it (March 29th or so) and PISSED when I logged onto this blog and saw that it had been released a week before and I had gotten NO NOTIFICATION of it!! Nothing from Amazon, no email, nothing. PISSED PISSED PISSED. Immediately bought it and calmed down and holed up and read it in one sitting.

    I can't even imagine FM6.5 without the Isabel scenes. And I will admit, I will be glad when we're back to KH spewing his own words instead of these thought-invasions on the part of T-Bone and Eva. I knew they were necessary, but it's so much better hearing from the man himself.
