Monday, December 30, 2013

Goodbye 2013 and A Look Ahead at 2014

2013 was a big year for me writing wise.  First, it was my most productive year in awhile at 180k words written and second, and even more importantly, I went from a nobody with only a handful of fans to at least a Double AA Writer with a few thousand fans.

Even, even more importantly:  I think I released my best novel to date in FM3.

It was a great, if hard fought year.  I feel like I'm on the cusp of breaking through into a more recognized status as a "real" author and not one struggling away on the fringes.  It helps that you Foul Mouths continue to be awesome with the honest reviews and the emails of encouragement and the blackmailing of family and friends into reading the series.  I sold 200ish short stories this month, that's crazy!  And people keep comparing me to Jim Butcher, that's even more crazy!

So, where are we heading next?

2014 is going to be a HUGE year.  Two novels at least, maybe three.  FM4 and "Rockets" are a sure thing.  Both books have 12 chapters finished at the moment, FM4 needs 9 more and "Rockets" needs 7 more.

For those not aware, FM4 is fully called "The Foul and the Headless Hunny" and as the name suggests, it's an Annie B focused novel.  It's also a vampire focused novel.  I'm pretty proud of how it's going so far, especially the continued disgustification of vampires from as far from sparkly goodie-goodies as I can get them.  The "school" timeline is also really fun, following Ceinwyn and King Henry on a recruiting road trip.  Hi-jinks ensue...

"Rockets" is a very different beast than the King Henry novels.  First of all, it's not character based, it's plot based.  It's basically me fucking with you and yanking your expectations back and forth for 300 pages.  Hope you guys enjoy it when it comes out, I'll probably post an unveiling of the title, the cover, and it's blurb in a few months leading up to the releases soon incoming.

The other possible novels that might make it into the year are FM5 (tentatively called The Foul Mouth and the Mancy Martial Artist) and Gush.  If I have a really good writing year either of these books could slip in by December, if not then 2015 will have another double release at the beginning of the year.

Woe is you, the fan base, might only get 2 novels this year.

Also, I'm finally, kinda, half-assedly looking into creating Print On Demand versions of the Foul Mouth books through Amazon Createspace.

Big year incoming!  Wish me luck!  Back to writing!


  1. Looks good, cannot wait for FM4. Need to get Second Take up on though.

    Thanks for a great character with King Henry!

  2. Sounds like your slackin in '14 ;)

  3. I wish you good fortune and easy editing in 2014, looking forward to the new books.
