Monday, February 24, 2014

FM4 First Sentence, Edit Update, Possible Release Date

First Sentence:  Some days you get lucky.

Bonus Second Sentence:  Some days you wake up next to the girl of your dreams.

I'll have a sample chapter for you fans in about a week.  No rewrites are needed for this book, just beta reading and typo hunting and some clean up on my part.  Looks like it should be a very quick editing period.  You know I don't like to give 100% sure dates but I got to say, end of March is looking very possible.  Going to try to aim for the 25th, we'll see if I can manage it.

I'm proud of this one.  I think it's less written for the reader looking for a quick entertaining read, and more focused on the fan that really digs and rereads and is interested in all the world-building and character histories than the books that have come before.  Lots of juicy info on Annie B, Ceinwyn, and the Vamps in this book and I like how it all ended up.

Wish me luck on finishing it up!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, here's to luck!

    Wanting so much for the Ceinwyn debriefing after Boomworm!
