Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sky-Island 1827-E is OUT!!!

It's finally done, I can move on!


Sky-Island 1827-E by Richard Raley on Amazon Kindle
Sky-Island 1827-E by Richard Raley on Amazon UK Kindle
Sky-Island 1827-E by Richard Raley on Smashwords
Sky-Island 1827-E by Richard Raley on B&N Nook

As always, Barnes and Noble and Apple take a week or two to propagate out from the Smashwords distribution channels, so if you read on a iPad or Nook, you'll need to buy from Smashwords and download the appropriate file type, or wait until I have those links for you soon.

As for me, I'm looking forward to a self-enforced writer lockdown away from the internet, twitter, video games, and ya know, generally anything distracting or too much fun.  Now that Sky-Island is off my plate (and I hope you all enjoy it!) I need to get back to King Henry and to really starting in on Gush as well.

Edit:  Nook link added.


  1. Bought and next on my to read list so hurry up with that FM5! ;)

  2. Think I am going to need a visual for the layout of this world. But it is a good story so far.

  3. I have a shitty diagram I threw together in five minutes that I'll probably post one day. Just too shitty and unprofessional to include in the book itself. Even for my shoestring production style ;-)
