Thursday, June 25, 2015

Quick Notes #4

1.  Still fuck ants.

2.  Fresno is really hot in July, who knew?

3.  Finished the formatting and editing on King Henry Short Pack One, should be up for sale in late August/early September.

4.  My side novels (Betrothal, Sky-Island, and Gush when I actually get to write it) are no longer purchasable on Smashwords/Apple/B&N and will be joining Kindle Select in July.  This will allow me to do limited free and bargain runs on them, allow you to pick them up through the Kindle Owners Lending Library if you have Amazon Prime, and even let me do advertising directly through Amazon if I so desire.  99% of side novel copies have been sold on Amazon, seems silly to not take advantage of this change up.  The King Henry Tapes and anything related to The King Henry Tapes will be unaffected.

5.  Kind of in standby mode at the moment waiting to see what happens with Jury Duty next week.  If my pleas for them to not take the poor-as-dirt self-employed writer are not met with kind ears, please do not be crazy fans and threaten to abduct any judges or lawyers like you always threaten to duct-tape me!

6.  Sales have been amaze-balls this month.  I have a chance to TRIPLE my best month ever.

7.  The Witcher 3 was awesome.  Good thing it released during this kind-of-vacation.  That sucked up some hours.

8.  Batman Arkham Knight is also crazy good.  More "holy crap Batman" moments than the Witcher 3 already and I'm only 1/5th of the way through it.

9.  Battlebots are back!

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