Monday, April 25, 2016

Quick Notes and a FMF Vote

1.  Not much new to report to you fans, on a downswing at the moment.  13.5 chapters done, 13.5 chapters to go.  About to write a Plutarch scene whenever I get back to it, so that will be fun.

2.  Going to the dentist still sucks.  Always.  Even after I gave up sodas too!

3.  Tomorrow will be Hearthstone Day for me, really looking forward to the new standard format and all the new cards.

4.  King Henry Tapes are now in Kindle Select.  So if you have Kindle Unlimited  or have friends with Kindle Unlimited, be sure to tell them it's available.

5.  Running an ad for FM1 at the moment, we'll see how it goes.  This stuff is new for me directly through Amazon.  Is supposed to show up on your Kindle's screensaver, so that could be neat.

6.  Planning to have FM2 for free for the first time ever from May 22nd to May 26th.  Trying to get Bookbub to advertise it, but haven't had much luck with them since they got all that sweet investment money.

7.  Doesn't look like new covers are going to happen for now sadly.  Taxes hit me hard and would rather not worry about going broke before FM6 comes out because I spend a thousand dollars on covers.  After FM6, here's hoping I can reassess.

8.  Watched Billions and Black Sails recently (that shark hunting scene, loved that stuff) looking at Vikings 4.5 and Better Call Saul S2 next.


VOTE ON NEXT FOUL MOUTH FACTS:  will it be (Pocket, Jesus, and Raj) or (Ceinwyn and T-Bone)?


  1. uh...both please. Seriously...can't decide between ceinwyn and the school bros...

  2. +1for Ceinwyn and T-bone, including how to pronounce her name!

  3. Ceinwyn and Hope would work for me.

  4. Hi - quick unrelated question: is there a list anywhere of which types are in which tiers? I know in FM1 it mentions the anima dispersal ratios, and that Tier 1 is aero/geo/pyro/necro/hydro, but can't remember seeing a full breakdown anywhere.

    Just geekin'...

    1. At the start of every book. It's not listed by tier, but they are in order. Also, the King Henry Tapes tab above has that list if you don't want to pull up a book file along with a list of the students.

    2. Cheers - hadn't twigged that that list would be in tier order...

  5. Pocket Jesus and Raj definitely!

  6. Ceinwyn and T-bone.
    Unrelated question--did you intentionally name one of your characters after Manson's follower?

    1. No I did not and now that I know that, it will be edited to something different in the next edition. I just chose a random Dutch surname and happen to know a Leslie in RL.

  7. Cool--thanks for clearing that up. :)

    1. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. She's now Earlene van Houten. Remembered why I picked van Houten for a floromancer, it means "of the forest".

      Also, might I point out that the total redecoration of this blog and the current updating of the KING HENRY TAPES page is all your fault!

    2. lol... I'll be happy to get the bright colors back :)

  8. Ceinwyn and T-Bone, but only if you promise that the others still get their turn. I really want to know more about Ceinwyn.

    1. Of course if I had clicked to Newer Post I'd have seen you already did it!

    2. I have a list of like 6 or 7 topics and will go through all of them by the end. Just letting people vote for what they want next.
