Monday, May 9, 2016

Quick Notes #15

1.  I write in bursts of productivity and yesterday took the last of what I had in the tank.  So don't expect much movement in the next 10 or so days.  Planning on doing some relaxing while I figure out how to tackle the next chapters.

2.  This said, we are now 10 chapters away from FM6 being done.  There is light at the end of the tunnel.

3.  Still aiming for a pre-holidays release before Thanksgiving, but it could be anywhere from October to December.  99% sure the book will be coming out this year at this point, assuming I don't break a finger or something dibilitating.

4.  Lots in the novel to be excited about with more to come.  Somethings haven't gone quite how I thought they would and others turned out better than I ever could have imagined.

5.  Planning on focusing in on the school story in the next weeks.  Haven't touch it for a couple months now.  Funny to think it's the second to last one and that I'll probably start working on FM7's next year and that whole timeline will be at an end.  Did I say funny?  I meant: thank the Mancy, no more worrying for hours and hours over trying not to mess up the timelines!

6.  Was wondering if any of you would be interested in a formatted compilation book with all the school stories, plus appropriate shorts in one place?  Wouldn't come out until after FM7 and no new content but might be something interesting to do, no?

7.  Speaking of compilations, I'll probably be releasing a King Henry Book Pack One later this year that will contain the first three novels in it for a reduced price.

8.  Still haven't seen Civil War :(

9.  Tower of Joy finally gets the spotlight on Game of Thrones! :)

10.  Witcher 3's final expansion comes out on the 30th, don't expect anything to be done that week.  Gotta get my next batch of Gwent cards!


  1. I'd dig the organized school stories. I tend to go back and re-read those sections anyways, especially when a character from them is referenced in the later timeline. Having it all in one place would expedite that process in an awesome way. Keep on keeping on, loving the series!

  2. Formatted compilation book with all the school stories, plus appropriate shorts in one place? Yes please.
