Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Post FM6 Quick Notes

1.  Profits up 40% so far this release, but new fans finding the series is down about the same amount.  Will have to see how it plays out, but I'll probably end up making about what I did on FM5 again once FM6 sales start dropping and fewer FM1 to FM5 sales rise to replace it.

2.  Which a lot of Indies would kill for, so I'll refrain from whining, even if part of me thinks millions of people should be reading this series.

3.  The one OMG yes part of this release is Kindle Unlimited.  I get 7 dollars every time someone burrows and finishes good!

4.  23 reviews so far, 22 of them five stars.  1 three star that said the book felt like a pity party that I think was actually meant for FM5...not sure.  FM5?  Total pity pary.  FM6?  No pity, just awesome.  Try not to pay TOO much attention to reviews for fear of being driven insane trying to find meaning in the chaos.

5.  THOUGH, did notice FM1 is at 195 reviews now, how cool is that?  Almost at the big 200.  Remember when I had to hock free copies at bloggers to get them, do not miss those days at all!

6.  I've read three books since I finished FM6...such a weird feeling...reading...might have to do more of it.

7.  Wrote 500 words on one of the novellas yesterday and my brain is hurting again...

8.  What's this?  FINAL FANTASY 15 in my hands?  Let's do this shit!  See you all in a month!


  1. So would maximum profit= is reading it Amazon unlimited, then buying it after?
