Thursday, September 21, 2017

Print On-Demand Promise Finally Accomplished!

After far too much worry and effort, the print-on-demand versions for the first six novels of The King Henry Tapes have been proofed, found worthy, and published.  They've just gone up on Amazon and have yet to merge with the kindle versions, so links to each are below.  You can also find them on the Createspace store if you're familiar with using it.

They look pretty awesome if I do say so myself, but then what father doesn't think his one-eyed, three-nostriled baby is the most beautiful of them all?

Regardless of possible lisps or uncontrollable drooling, all of those who begged for this day and made promises that I just had to make print-on-demand versions because you wanted to buy a bunch of copies to give out to your non-ebook reading friends and family are going to keep your word, right?  Right?

Prices are $11.99 for books 1 and 2, $13.99 for books 3 and 4, $17.99 for book 5, and a $19.99 price tag for book 6.  Which is why when the big five publishers talk about how paper books and ebooks really don't cost that much different to make and that's why all big author ebooks are over 15 dollars nowadays, you should tell them to go fuck themselves.  Yes, I know, economies of scale versus print-on-demand, but still...bullshit!  Paper costs money!  Though to be fair, if you buy the print-on-demand version of FM6 you will also be able to use it as a bludgeoning weapon should the undead ever rise up to conquer mankind.

Print on Demand FM1
Print on Demand FM2
Print on Demand FM3
Print on Demand FM4
Print on Demand FM5
Print on Demand FM6


  1. I bought POD FM1, mainly because the Kindle version won't work on any of my devices despite deleting and buying it 3 times. So now I get to read it again :)

  2. I will totally buy them as budgets allow! I just finished re-reading The Betrothal and all the KH books and am hungry for MOAR! Though I will try and be patient since I know this creative process stuff takes time. Keep it up!

  3. Oh, be still my beating heart--guess I know what I'm saving my pennies and tax refunds for!!! Thanks!!!

  4. One a week starting next week for me

    1. So just wondering if you would be up to signing copies if we mailed them to you with return postage already?

  5. I ordered 3 copies of book 1 to send to friends as gifts. They arrived today and they look great! The new covers are really cool. Also I was surprised by how fast the print on demand worked. I just placed my order on Sunday and they on Wednesday! Thanks again for making these awesome books available in paperback for my (weird) non-ereader friends.

  6. Disappointingly, my copy of KH1 arrived today and was very poor print quality, with half the pages were smudged! Have sent it back to amazon, so fingers crossed for a quick turnaround so I can finally get my luddite other half reading it...
