Sunday, January 21, 2018

Quick Notes New Year Edition

1.  I'm not writing as many quick note posts lately because my tablet's battery is on life support and my writer laptop isn't connected to the internet.  Most obvious truth ever:  the internet is very bad for productivity.  So a few years ago I bought the tablet to help segment my devices.  Tablet = net, laptop = writing, PS4 = gaming.  It worked great.  But it's been a year since my last novel and I don't have spare cash for a new tablet atm, so you'll just have to deal with less blathering from me, okay? ;)  And no, you can't easily buy a new battery for a tablet, have tried twice and the knockoffs are off the charts.

2.  Currently working on what I hope is my final edit for Dread Fortress.  About 1/3 done with it.  So far, so good.  Might change some of the order of the scenes around yet, not sure.  Beginning is kind of slow as is.  (Not that I've ever been one to have fast beginnings!)  It's another case of me trying to write a novella and instead ending up writing a small novel.  Should end up about 200 pages long.  Maybe a little shorter.  The action scene to character moment ratio is turned way up for one of my works.  That was kind of the idea with these two 'novellas', Dread Fortress = action, Goes Home = character.  Also, Dread Fortress is kind of the epilogue for FM6 directly, while Goes Home is an epilogue for the entire first half of the series.

3.  FM5.5 was arguably skipable...if you know, you didn't want a really enjoyable slice-of-life diversion for three of our characters, but there's a couple events that happen in Dread Fortress that you probably really want to learn about...

4.  Still at the halfway mark with Goes Home.  Still really enjoy all the ins and outs of it.  HOPING to finish it quickly and have it out 2-3 months after Dread Fortress, but I've been about as much of Fate's bitch as King Henry lately, so we'll see.

5.  FM7...will start on it as soon as both of those are done.  Although it's not like I haven't been thinking about the scenes this whole last year, over and over and over.  The writing part of authorship is a shockingly small amount of the time you spend working on a novel.

6.  So...Dread Fortress = Late Feb/Early March.  Goes Home = May/June/July.  Gush = what's Gush?  FM7 = TBD.

7.  I finally started reading Lois McMaster Bujold's Vor Saga, loving it so far, about halfway through it I think.  Been reading tons because of it.  One of those series where I'm not sure why I never bothered with it, since I enjoy her Five Gods work so much.

8.  As a personal rule if I don't have something good to say about another artist/writer/creator then I take the high ground and just shut my mouth so...I won't be giving my opinion on The Last Jedi. :)

9.  Football today!  Winter Olympics...World Cup...two Raley novels, maybe three?  Let's hope for a good year!