Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Blarg Notes

1,  Few days back I spent 6 hours on about 2k worth of material.  Had a couple good jokes, very nice character moment for Val, but it had some counteracting character motivations in it that needed fixed.  I cut it up, switched paragraphs around, wrote in new, switched THAT around, wrote more new material, cut old material, etc. exhausting amount of editing.  Got it to a point where I thought it worked, finally moved on and then...about a page later in the novella...realized that you know what would work EVEN FUCKING BETTER?  If I cut out all that work I just did and connected two OTHER moments together, would really keep up the pace.

So...that happened.

2.  It's never the chapters you expect that really smack you around.  It's the ones you ignore.  Never would have thought I'd need to use that much brain power on what is basically the made-for-tv Hallmark movie novella of the Mancyverse, but it happened!

3.  So what's left?  I have the last chapter to edit.  Formatting it for ebook.  I have my kindle copyedit.  Probably two to three weeks of beta reading after that.  Meaning that The Glassbreaker Goes Home will release at the end of August.  17th or the 20th maybe?

4.  I just want to repeat again that this novella is LITERALLY a dinner party.  That's it.  Granted a dinner party with many of your favorite characters... ;-)

5.  So HOT.  SO FUCKING HOT!  I think Fresno hasn't had an under 100 degrees high for about two weeks now.  Also according to the supposed weather experts, it's not likely to drop from that for the next month.  So... *cries*.

6.  I started running some advertising directly through Amazon and--shockingly--I'm actually seeing some decent results with it this time.  Do still think that Amazon, The King of Metrics, can't tell me if someone is picking my book up on Kindle Unlimited or not is weird however.

7.  Editing Mode just destroys my media consumption.  I just can't turn my brain off and I get super critical of everything, especially other authors.  Extra especially myself.  Even the format.  Like...why isn't there just a dream-sucking machine already, world?  If I could just put that good RR juice into other people's heads directly instead of having to work in this flawed system of words and punctuation!?!?

8.  As such watching lots of gaming youtube channels.  Can't wait for TI8, are we really at TI8?  How did that happen?  Getting older and older these days!

9.  New release next month, Foul Mouth fans!


  1. TI8? I didn't know Texas Instrument calculators had that model. Or is it The Inquisition 8? No one expected the first 7..

    Are Amazon pulling a fast one? do they pay different rates if you are read on Unlimited versus bought? Because if so they definitely have metrics. Seems strange as you say.

    1. 1. The International 8, Dota2 world championship tournament. Current prize pool is $22 million and growing. Always a ton of fun if you're at all into esports.

      2. I can track page read/sale info just fine in the KDP website. Both are up, so I know the ads are having an effect. My slight complaint is that Amazon Marketing Service is a different site and it only tracks impressions, clicks, and purchases. Unlimited grabs are just completely invisible as far as its concerned.

      So like I might decide to advertise on Author A's books and I can see I've had 20 clicks and 5 purchases. That's awesome, I know it's working, and I'll keep advertising. But on Author B's books I have 15 clicks and 0 purchases. If I'm actually getting nothing from that then I want to stop advertising on Author B, but for all I know, those 15 clicks represent 15 people grabbing my book on Unlimited, so I just have to keep it up.

  2. Really looking forward to having some new material to enjoy! We are having a nasty heatwave in S. Korea too. Hope your Air conditioner hangs in there for you.

  3. I do Kindle Unlimited! That is weird that they can’t/don’t supply that data. What’s up with that?

  4. I had a question about the series in general: does KH ever actually kill someone? Not that I want him to go psychopathic, but up through most of the second book and he's constantly weakly reacting to people trying to kill him. And his friend calling him a 'murderer' if he killed somone who tried to kill him and who knows how many others?

    1. Guess what I'm trying to say above, is that I'm hoping he's more of a Deadpool type character and not a bad mouthed version of Batman...
