Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Dolphin Scene

If you like my series at all, I highly recommend that you immediately clear enough of your schedule to check out "The Boys" on Amazon Prime.  It's a darker, subversive take on superheroes and their ultimate power:  corporate marketing potential.  It's also well acted, has great production value (The Homelander's cape highest among them) and switches seamlessly between truly screwed up situations and some wonderful dark humor.

Case in Point:  The Dolphin Scene.

I will not spoil, but I laughed harder than I've laughed in years.

Fifteen minutes of full on laughter, replaying the scene over and over, worried I might pass out if I don't get control of myself, tears, pillow over the face so I don't wake up the rest of the house...all of that.  I'm still giggling every time I think about it.  Just every part of it from beginning to end's so good!

Well, I have two last episodes to check out, so see you later.

Check it out!