Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Fantastic Mini Health Update

Got my first shot Thursday.  Just took my mom for hers.  The relief!  All that worry finally starting to fade away as those antibodies build up day by day!  5 stars, would recommend!  Does however need more stickers and lollipops...

Now if I could just find a PS5...


  1. Good on you both for the shotting. The Mrs. has gotten both of hers. I am still waiting, as my employer sees us as "essential," which does not translate to "important enough to get vaccinated."

    Also- no PS5 for you! Last thing we need is you having another
    distraction from giving us our KH fix.... Take care, my friend. (Goes back to read KH Short Pack One).

    1. Consoles are actually conductive to productivity for me, since they help break up writing/web surfing/gaming on different devices. The biggest distraction is when I have to use the internet laptop (like this last week) for doctor zooms and signing up for the shots or what not. Then this evil urge comes up...hey, you're really stressed, man. Why don't you have a nice relaxing Football Manager day? Just one day. Won't hurt anyone.

      Cut to a week or two later: Dammit, Richard, you have to detox again! That's it, delete it off your computer! And lock the computer in the closet while you're at it!

  2. That’s great, I had mine 2 weeks ago. 10-12 week gap until the second dose here in the UK.
    If you get time, watch Ted Lasoo, it’s brilliant

    1. Heard good things. Still waiting on Apple TV to build up enough content to binge a bunch of it though.

  3. Actually, that is true about consoles- there is something different (besides the controller, of course) about that kind of gaming. It is definitely easier for me to set a time limit and stick to it. Also, a second vote for Ted Lasso. Also- if you do not mind subtitles- or French- or blood- Balthazar on Prime has been quite enjoyable. Along with Fargo- at least the first season with the wonderfully demonic Billy Bob Thornton.
