Monday, October 25, 2021

Almost There

One scene left to write!

Back is better than it was.  Still iffy by the end of the day, but I do have a chunk of hours to get some writing in when the caffeine, tylenol, and biofreeze hit the spot.  Still waiting on MRI news and next steps.  Other than that...editing might be a little rough since I can't pull 12-20 hour days to get it all done quick-like in my current state, but we'll see what happens.

Other than that...

Still got Vicky and KH to get back to!

Also:  WORMS!!!

If they don't give us Dune Part 2 we riot!!!

1 comment:

  1. "The Riot of Worms?" I have heard of the "DIET of Worms," but... Also, if the worms DO get annoyed- how will they be able to state a ... walk-out? Okay- going to stop now. First day back to work after vacation week. Brain is still in "relaxation mode."
