Friday, August 26, 2022

Proof of Life August

Still limping around.

Working on new stuff when I can, but hurt the back again and have needed the last two weeks to recover, should be writing again next week.  I suppose I should be happy we've progressed to two steps forward/one step back as opposed to step forward/step back/stuck in place I dealt with from Feb to June, but annoying that I'm getting occasionally sidelined still.  Biggest annoyance is that obviously there's some things I CAN'T do, like picking up heavy objects, using a controller, etc, without hurting it and so I know to be very careful but just gets hurt and I'm not sure what caused it.  Was it sneezing?  Was it writing every other day instead of every three days?  Was it that I stayed up later than usual or didn't get enough sleep to rest the muscles?  Was it the hardcore bondage orgies?  So frustrating... 

Super miserably hot in Fresno even for Fresno.

Tried multiple times to get a quicker appointment at my doctor's but they're booked like crazy so I'm waiting another month to hopefully finally get hooked up with some specialists that can finally figure this out.

Another RR movie rec:  Thirteen Lives.  Fan-freaking-tastic movie making from Ron Howard.  About the Thai cave rescue a few years back.  Very understated and just let's the situation play itself out without any extra frills.  You just don't really need the extra tension when the fear of drowning and the weight of all that rock and just how tight those spaces are does all the work for you


  1. Hope you get some relief/news soon. And it is always frustrating when pretty much EVERYTHING you like to do seems to make the pain worse. Finished up the Wm. Mark Simmons Half-Life Chronicles and have started on the Dreamland Chronicles. Just so many great puns and pop culture references. Also finished Boy's Life by Robert McCammon- probably my 10th reading... Highly recommended. I am now dipping a cautious toe into his more usual horror books- just because they aren't my cup of words, I still want to reward him for writing one of my favorite novels of all time. And since I can't just say "Here- have some money..."--- buy a book every now and again....

    In other news--- wondering how to STOP writing my third book. I started out worried it was "too short." Now it is turning into a monster. I am not even going to run the word count for fear of scaring myself.

    Take care, boss. Feel better.

    1. Third books are supposed to be monsters!

    2. I have not read anything by McCammon in at least 20 years, but I distinctly remember loving Boy's Life. I couldn't tell you a single thing about it now, but I know it stood out. I will have to read it again now that you've reminded me. Along with Swan Song, which is essentially his version of King's The Stand. And better if I remember correctly, and I still actually recall some of the ending I think (Talons).

      Sending hugs and kisses to RR to get better! You complete me <3
