Monday, February 27, 2023

Slight Misunderstanding of the Process

So they aren't actually doing steroid injections, they're doing temporary nerve blocks to suss out the troublesome nerves and then they'll just skip the whole steroid injection and go straight to burning the buggers.

Had my first last week and my second this week.  The "relief" as it is only lasts a day tops.  For me it was about eight hours.  But what an eight hours!  Simply magical.  Just my hand and arm working perfectly, no pain whatsoever.  Didn't have to wear a wrist brace all day for the first time in years.  Not just the pain either, but the fingers feeling completely as nimble as they used to back before this problem started manifesting...well, almost six years now.

They DID bruise the shit out of my ribs hauling my unconscious post bariatric surgery skin monster ass back into a wheel chair and THAT hasn't been fun, but if the post ablation will feel like that eight hours did for months or years at a time, then that's something very much to look forward to.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Pain Management Road Map

Couple Weeks:  First spinal injection on the left side top end my spinal curve.

Couple Weeks After That:  Second spinal injection on the right side of my spinal curve.

Eventually:  Third spinal injection on the bottom end of my spinal curve.

After that they want to see which injection helps with the pain the most (they believe it will be the top end) and they'll send me back to get Rhizotomy done on those nerve endings (basically burning them either chemically or with some other snazzy science/magic shit).

No word yet on the Sexy Time Naughty Boy Writing Corset, woe is me!

I do feel better.  Typing still hurts and I still can't lift anything,'s a little better and when the pain is as bad as it was...a little can be a lot.  Difference between feeling like I was thrown down a couple flights of stairs versus having played a game of rugby the day before.  With really beefy roided up Eastern European women...




Don't judge my fantasies!

Anyway...should feel even better by next month.  Maybe we can finally get back on track.  I mean it's been so long at this point I'll probably have to start with ANOTHER reread of the material I've written, but...very small problem compared to what I've been dealing with!  Hard to get optimistic after a year of delays and ball punting, but...maybe, maybe, maybe?!?