In quite a bit of pain as the suckers die off and the poor confused muscles spasm over the mixed signals. Recovery can take up to a couple weeks (usually doesn't, but it can). Then we're directly into the right side of the spine and we start the clock all over again. But yeah, can type this, so there's that! Tired and thirsty and hungry and...
Anyone else always make these plans where they're like "oh I'll watch that amazing thing I haven't gotten to yet, that's such a good time to have nothing to do!" and then you remember "but...I'm miserable and I like that thing and I don't want to chance my current shittiness dragging it down." So basically I'm currently surfing every channel/service for shows/movies I think I probably won't like too much but might entertain just a little bit instead of something I know I'll like but am in no mode to enjoy...
Tis quite the conundrum...
4/4 Update: Still healing. Had a nice pain lessened weekend and I'm sleeping a solid eight hours for the first time in forever (think it was like 10 hours Saturday actually). Lots of expansive wild dreams, which means the brain is enjoying itself in some deep sleep instead of getting grumpy about my body whining all night long.
Am having a bit of trouble yesterday/today with leg spasms and pain/weakness in my left hand/elbow/shoulder. Could just be nerves healing or dying or me feeling the other problem areas of my spine a bit more. Only time will tell. Right side burnination is next Friday, so still plenty of rest and recuperation before they toss me around again!