Monday, March 6, 2023

Step 2 out of ??? Down

Second branch block finished last week.  Less magical results than the first, since most of my pain on that side is lower on the back.  Next week I've got post op with the doctor and then it's probably to insurance hell to try to get the ablation procedure approved.  Maybe I can talk them into giving me another round of trigger point shots while we wait.  Or the Sexy Time Naughty Boy Writing Corset might finally make it's presence known!

Did optimistically format my files for War to End All Wars and Mancy Masquerade and load them onto my Kindle to quickly read through assuming this works...


  1. Yes. That wonderful moment when you read (however much of) your whole book so far and ask yourself burning questions. Not going to repeat them here- you already know them. On an actual serious note- even finding out the nerve bundles that are NOT the problem is progress of a sort. As for me, I will soon be able to read all of KH (and also "Alan Edwards", because it makes me laugh every time)- because in less than 2 months I will be retired! (Old fogey alert!)

    Hope the pain management/treatments/writing corset (really cannot recommend that- I had a permanent bruise on my sternum and dead nerves under my ribs for years after getting out of mine)- but I STILL hope some combination allows you to enjoy life, boss.

  2. Glad to hear your health at least has a trajectory to improve upon. Good luck with that and the book too, we're always ready for more!
