Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Back to Work (With Slight Speedbump)

Have to see to dentist on Friday cuz on exiting RFA-ville, mostly unconscious and starving, I chowed down on an emergency granola bar and out popped a filling and that tooth is very angry despite the copious amounts of painkillers I'm on.  But, outside of that, look free and clear until next month.

Edited the last chapter I wrote and now have 50 pages to type into the computer.  AGAIN.  Also readthrough/lightly edited the 160 pages of the Vicky novel I haven't looked at in like...probably five years at this point.  It was so jarring to read that POV, different from school line King Henry I've been living and breathing for years now (for too long, SAVE ME!!!).  Vicky's very observant, so much revolves around both her political acumen and her ability to see auras, and even the prose is more complex with these multipurpose sentences and paragraphs that you don't see in Seismic Semester nearly as much.

One thing I haven't talked about, is because I'm having to write on the phone, you're going to see a much more direct prose similar to the early novels in the series than the more free flowing stream of consciousness I played with in FM5/FM6.  Some people hated it, some people loved it, but its a lot harder to maintain with my thumbs on a phone than just getting super creative with a keyboard, wandering wherever I may.

Another difference is there's so much more dialogue in Seismic Semester.  Not that KH can't be introspective, but with Vicky and the Welfs and the political focus, every sentence, every pose, every piece of clothing has multiple meanings she's trying to decipher.  In contrast, with Seismic Semester, with all the new 2015 kids introduced and the 09ers and the teachers, etc., you just have constant chaos where you do not have a moment to think about what just happened, there's always another character to talk to, another plot (major or minor) that's going to pop up and then disappear as issues go round and round the merry-go-round.

Another big one...having spent the last few years post Everchanging Dilemma focused on recovering my health and high school hijinks, then suddenly have all those very serious terms and politics from the main storyline back in play...was a very OH YEAH moment.  These stakes feel so much more serious.  We know so much more about the Mancy.  We know so much more about Divines and dragons and Realms and ya know...there's a massive rebellion with psychotic lunatics on the loose.

It also contains perhaps my favorite monologue I've ever written, courtesy of Moira von Welf.  Vicky is the main POV character, but in many ways Moira is the star of the novel.  She brings her A game time and time again.  Real God had enough of Job's shit energy.


But we are on the very last legs of Seismic Semester now.  Currently editing the 7k I already wrote in this chapter.  Right on the edge of finally writing one of the scenes I'm really looking forward to in this story.  Then the wrap up and we'll be in a slightly slower than usual Edit Hell.

Getting closer and closer!

Also, summer is here.  90s all week.  Boo, Fresno!

EDIT 5/18:  Well, that sucked.  I'm hurt more from the dentist than I was from the RFA.  Gonna need a quiet weekend before I even think about getting back at it.

1 comment:

  1. Even Spurs fans hoped they'd lose to Man City last night to stop Arsenal winning the Prem. Boring match though. I
    All the best, J
